Title : 30th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Dental Research



Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Center for Dental Education and Research, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, it gives me a great pleasure to invite you to the 30th Annual Conference of the Indian Society for Dental Research (IADR India Division), to be held on 30th September (Saturday), 1st (Sunday) and 2nd October (Monday, Gandhi Jayanti) 2017 at New Delhi, the modern and culturally rich capital city of India. As you are aware, today India is a force to reckon in Dental Research. However not all of that sees the “light of the day”. Hence keeping in mind the theme of the conference “RESEARCH TO REALITY”, I would encourage colleagues to present meaningful research that has had clinical impact and benefited the profession at large. Post Graduate students from across all specialties can attend. My personal opinion is that this conference would be a unique opportunity for these budding specialists as it would provide them a platform to show case their original research. This would give a boost to inter disciplinary research. Hence a full day i.e. 30th September 2017 has been dedicated for this purpose. A range of pre-congress courses are being planned for the same day. This closed group interaction would help the participants to learn new techniques and communicate directly with the mentors. For the 1st and 2nd October, we are in the process of compiling an elaborate and truly stimulating scientific programme, which we are sure, would satisfy your intellectual appetite. I take this opportunity to extend the invite to our trade technology partners who are welcome to exhibit their latest equipment, instruments and materials. We have planned a space within the conference venue so as to provide you greater visibility.

The ISDR 2017 would be followed by the IADR 11th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry from the 3rd to the 6th October 2017 at New Delhi. Please visit the www.iadr.org/wcpd for further details.

So in short, NEW DELHI in the year of 2017 is going to provide the dental fraternity with a once in a life time opportunity to witness and be part of a back to back scientific extravagance of the decade. The climate at this time of the year in New Delhi is very pleasant and with its cultural diversity, it would give you and your family the right blend of work and pleasure.

Looking forward to personally welcoming you in New Delhi

Dr OP Kharbanda

Chairman organizing committee

President ISDR (IADR India Division)