Eligibility Criteria for UPPSC Staff Nurse Recruitment 2017
Educational Qualification: candidates who are passed in GNM in Nursing or B.Sc Nursing from recognized University they are eligible for this Posts.
Age Limit: Applicants age limit should be between 21 years to 40 years as per the Govt norms.
Selection procedure: Selection of the aspirants will be made through Written test and Interview Process.
Application Fee: Eligible aspirants can pay the Examination fee. for general candidates Rs.125/- and for sc/st Rs.65/-.
Applying Process for UPPSC Staff Nurse Recruitment 2017
All eligible aspirants can apply online through its official website www.uppsc.up.nic.in and fil the form carefully then submit the form before 13th February 2018.
Important Dates:
Last date for Apply: 13th February 2018.
Important Links: